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[content warning for nsfw screenshots from this game, I don't know how to mark images with a spoiler in itch comments]

This was a very fun and neat demo, and I'll be sure to support the production of the full thing on patreon next time I get a paycheck a week from now!!

Also I'd like to point out what I think might be a bug

The first image attached is the highest size unlocked in the gallery for me currently. However, the second image attached is the highest size I've reached in-game in less than the 20 minutes allowed in the free demo, before saving and returning to the menu.

I think the gallery might be broken and isn't fully displaying everything that I've unlocked, and I just wanted to bring this to your attention incase it was a programming error that needs to be fixed.

I should say, the android version is still demo

I loved the demo but when I tried the download version nothing comes up. Task Manager says that it is running in the background & UAC virtualization says that it is either Not Allowed or Disabled. I have already tried Run as Administrator & making it an Antivirus Exception. Dose anyone have a solution?

what does the windows link for download go to? I keep getting an error saying I need to install a app to download the source for the link.


What does "the next two versions are playable" mean?

Likely referring to the images you can select on newgame.

Is the version on the patreon updated?


Fat Shit



Sweet, Always love new projects making appearances! 

Oh hello :)


Abdomain expansion: infinite backshots.



I got to the max sizes in the full version of the game, but the last 3 sizes in the gallery are still locked. Is there a special condition that needs to be met?

The new update should unlock them fully now :)

Awesome thank ya!


game's fun. just wish the full version was free. i hope it will be.


Nice art and game, dialogue box was kinda annoying that it stopped the auto-click, great first game!


I like it but i hate how the demo is too short


I've already finished the free trial 


great concept, would love if the upgrades after Birth made the Breasts/Ass larger or if she put on Weight


+1 to this


Not bad game, but the demo is too short. Gonna be checking in on this project from time to time.


really nice demo :)


Finally a decent demo, between it and the screenshots, everything works as a pretty good "vertical slice", kind of a lost art when it comes to demos.
Kinda wish the upgrades were more complex than click+ and idle+ though, like, in the demo we don't play long enough for it to be a problem, but I can picture anyone buying the full game getting sick of it after a while.

Also, pls remove the "not enough money" dialogue box, it's awful, unnecessary and interrupts gameplay for no reason.


will there be an option to buy on debit/credit ?


is the full version never going to be free?


Great game 👍❤️


just wish you could add more time in the Demo.

But still a great game! 👍👍